If a problem occurs when trying to connect to the units directly through USB after you have changed the ID at the units, this might solve your problem: When you connect to the UF systems directly through USB, you get the error message "No response from node". The following could solve your problem: Even when connecting through USB you need to set the Unit ID in the software to match the unit ID, which you have set on the user interface of the unit before. I have attached screen-shots, which show you, where to do so. As you will see, setting the ID is done during the regular connection process. Going from system to system of course you will need to change the ID accordingly. The other components on the CAN BUS use the following IDs: Component: CAN-BUS ID Easy-Connect-Control (IOX): 32 External CAN BUS Modem (C2C): 33 Available for Seccua UF units: 0-31 Please verify that you are using the proper PEAK-CAN driver on your Windows system (see our online manual here: https://www.learnboxes.com/learnboxes/2015#chapter/18289).